Jul 5, 2014


  1. "If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world." Emmet Fox

    That is a pretty powerful statement, and one that is echoed by others such as Teilhard de Chardin who said that when we harness the power of love, it will be like humanity discovering fire once again.  As caregivers we are called to act out of great love.  Love in the form of taking care of the needs of the loved one, as well as sufficient love to let the person go when that is the right time.  Some people who work with the dying say that people may linger here longer than they want because we have not set them free to go.  To set them free means to tell them their lives have served purpose and that we, their loved one, will be okay, that is is okay for them to go.  When it is time to say those things, it takes courage and love.  

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