Sep 1, 2012


"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings." John Muir

This week I was talking with the nurse at the assisted living facility, telling her the results and recommendations of all the recent doctor appointments.  She listened and then told me of a meeting the staff had where they were talking about Dwane's needs and services.  She said the leader of the team said, "I don't know how Judith did it by herself for so long."  How affirming!!!  After all the criticism and second guessing when the decision was made to have Dwane move into assisted living, to have people who see Dwane 24/7 reflect what I knew:  his needs had grown beyond anything that could be dealt with at home -- especially with his resistance to any additional help; and I did a very, very good job while I did it.  Yes.  I will hear those good tidings, and I will rest in the assurance that Dwane is in exactly the right place now.  And so am I.

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