"Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment." Ben Franklin
I am amazed at the unmodulated speaking of people sometimes. It is as if what comes into their thoughts, automatically comes out their mouths -- without any censorship at all. We just finished watching a documentary from PBS on Benjamin Franklin. What a fascinating man, and one to whom history seems not to have given full credit. He invented bifocals, brought electricity out of mystery, mapped the Gulf Stream -- to name but a few. His years of diplomatic work in France financed the Revolutionary War, and he did this while a seasoned man in his seventies. In his later years he was a strong opponent of slavery. When I think of the great visionaries and activists of freedom for us all, I am so grateful. What action can we take today that supports the freedom of us and the person for whom we provide care?
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