Sep 2, 2013


"Everything you can imagine is real." Pablo Picasso

Perhaps Picasso was speaking of his art work, but perhaps not.  Perhaps he was an early believer that our brains do not know the difference between reality and what we imagine, so it benefits us to imagine what we want to experience.  Long ago a lovely therapist taught me that the brain cannot tell the difference between the upsetting end of a dream or an ending you consciously revise, and if this is true, then it must also be true that the brain cannot tell the difference between what is reality and what we tell it is reality.  Then it behooves us to "see" reality in ways that best serve us.  We all know that people can describe the same situation very differently.  Some will speak of its negative aspects, some will speak of its positive aspects, and others blend the two.  If everything we imagine is true, let us see, expect and experience the positive aspects of all experiences. 

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