Sep 12, 2013


Real love pours itself out upon the object of its affection, without demanding any return.
--Florence Scovel Shinn

The above author wrote a charming book, The Game of Life, which teaches positive thinking long before it became more mainstream.  Have you had the experience of real love?  When I am with my granddaughter, I know I am experiencing real love toward her and receiving it back.  She effuses happiness and love.  With adults, we may have learned that it is not safe to pour our love out.  By the time we are adults we will have had some people hurt us and reject the love we poured upon them.  That is just part of the life of being human:  to experience rejection of our love.  Let us not let those experiences lead us to misunderstand and hold back on loving.  Real love is poured out and has no expectations.  Real love heals us.  Let us risk really loving ourselves and others.. 

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