Dec 24, 2009


"Joy is our natural state of being. It is the essence of who we are", Cynthia James.

This seems especially important to remember during the holiday season. Change is part of the journey for people on a spiritual path. It is sometimes hard for friends and family to accept the changes they see in us, and it may be hard for us to accept the changes we see in them. As humans we seem to like the status quo; we like to think we can count on someone being the same year after year. But that is antithetical to the spiritual journey. At least for me, the spiritual journey is about changing and developing more and more of the potential I was destined to enjoy. I think it is a spiritual responsibility I have to develop myself as fully as I can.

This holiday season I remember to stand firmly in my natural state of joy, and I will celebrate the changes I see in family and friends, as well as in myself.

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