Aug 7, 2013


"Spiritually speaking, accountability denotes an unbroken link between mind and heart in word and deed." Dr. Jesse G. Jennings

An interesting way to think of accountability.  Rather than putting shame or praise onto its connotation, we can think of it as a congruence between our thoughts and our actions.  So many people talk and talk and talk about something they want to do, but they do not get around to taking action.  Taking action is an important spiritual step.  First we discern if what we are thinking about is something that is in the highest and best interest of ourselves and others, then we take action.  Understanding our motives is an important aspect.  We can consider, "What about this appeals to me?" to learn more about whether or not we truly want to do something.  Then, do it.  Take the first step in faith, and the rest will unfold.  That is accountability:  to ourselves, most of all.

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