Aug 20, 2013


"Joy comes when we realize that everything we do, moment by moment, is placing us more capably in service to a self-chosen destiny."   Dr. Jesse G. Jennings

So joy comes down to choice.  The choice of how we spend our time moment by moment, and those choices need to be in service to our self-chosen destiny.   It seems as if Dr. Jennings is saying that it is important to know what our priorities are and to allocate our time accordingly.  We will not get to where we want to go unless we are spending our time moment by moment in ways that will get us there.  Some people determine their self-chosen destiny by figuring out their core purpose, and there are some great books that will help us do that.  It is easier for me to consider what is very, very important to me -- those then are my priorities, and all decisions are weighed against whether or not this activity or use of my time is in keeping with my priorities.  For instance, my own personal spiritual journey is one priority, as is making time for significant relationships.  All other decisions are weighed as to whether they take me forward in those two priorities.  What are your priorities?

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