Jan 31, 2014

Importance of Laughter

Laughter has been proven to lessen stress, improve relationships, strengthen abdominal muscles, and improve our moods.  It may very well be the best possible medicine.  I have a good group of friends and family members with whom I am safe enough to be myself and laugh.  We never laugh at each other or anyone else.  We laugh at the folly of life.  I love to laugh.  It is important to laugh every day.  For caregivers we may need to create the opportunities to laugh, because humor seems to be something that gets lost along the way with dementia.  Movies are a good source.  I happened last night to watch a bit of a late show, in which the host's opening comments were very funny.  What can you find to laugh about today?  It is the last day of January, another day closer to spring in the northern hemisphere, or to fall in the southern hemisphere -- a good day to laugh.  Let us find people with whom we can laugh,

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