Jan 23, 2014


"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King's life was one of service.  So, too, is the life of a caregiver --- no matter how we carve out that caregiving.  We are doing tasks and making decision in the best interest of another individual.  Service.  We do have choices in this service.  For instance, we get to choose our attitude toward the service, ourselves and the person receiving the service.  We also get to choose to what extent we provide the service, but as caregivers, we are providing service.  Caregiving done with loving kindness and respect is service of the highest quality.  I was sitting recently putting a jig saw puzzle together with my spouse.  I have learned to buy the 300 large piece puzzle, as it seems the only one manageable nowadays.  It is still something we can do together.  Finding an activity that can still be enjoyed is one form of service.

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