Mar 4, 2014

Achieving What We Want

Achievers achieve because they believed they would, and so the heavens and earth were moved. Tut

What if that is true that achievers achieve because they believe they can.  I can remember years ago when my sister said that parents got their small children to do what was important to the parent they do -- such as go to bed on time.  That may also be true -- that what we put our best efforts into gets done.  Then it makes sense that it would also be true that what we put our best efforts into is successful.  Not that everything we do can be a success, but successful people do not give up.  They learn from their mistakes and try again.  It is in this perseverance that they are successful.  What does this have to do with caregiving?  Caregiving takes perseverance too.  It also takes learning from what did not work and implementing a different plan.  Just because we are caregivers does not mean that we cannot achieve and do the task well.  

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