May 20, 2010

Full health

"Good health is not just the absence of disease; it is experiencing vitality, enthusiasm, hope, happiness, self-respect, peace, abundance, and all good things,: Dr. Linda McNamar

As we strive as caregivers to maintain our own good health, it is good to keep in mind that it means more than just freedom of disease. It is about attitude and self regard. We had fun yesterday. Went to a greenhouse and came home and planted tomatoes in our greenhouse, to accompany the lettuce and herbs that are already thriving there. The greenhouse, and the garden we will soon plant, will provide good nutrition without pesticides. I love picking from the garden immediately before dinner and serving what is available from it. Many years ago I learned in 4H that for full nutrition one should eat or preserve produce within 20 minutes of picking it. I'm not sure that is literally true, but it is fun to know that one is eating something at the peak of its nutritional value.

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