Aug 8, 2010


"Life can be easy; however, we must choose to see it that way." Eugene D. Holden.

I am watching a series of videos loaned by a friend, The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell interviewed by Bill Moyers. Fascinating. Seems to me that the journey with dementia, both for the care receiver and the care giver, are hero journeys. Dealing with suffering and coming out the other side. Perhaps it is helpful for us to consider that this is a universal and mythical journey, more than just personal to us. According to Campbell developing one's potential can be accomplished only by suffering or insight, and that it is important to avoid succumbing to what society dictates we do. That is why this is an opportunity for us to carve our way uniquely with the task of caregiving, making a new way to deal with this suffering, and using it for the greater good of ourselves and others.

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