Mar 1, 2013


"If you're not thinking about a negative thought, your vibration is going to raise to its natural positive place."  --- Abraham

Abraham speaks in terms of vibration.  Psychologists might speak in terms of positive thought patterns.  Spiritual people might speak in terms of thinking thoughts of gratitude.  In my opinion, we are all talking about the same thing.  It is critical for our health and the health of the planet that we refrain from negative thoughts about ourselves and others.  We need to abstain from resentment, bitterness, anger, jealousy -- perhaps that is why some of these were listed in the original Ten Commandments -- God knew we would live better lives if we abstained from these negative thought patterns.  And, our neighbors would live better lives too because we do live in interconnected ways, and our thoughts do impact others.  So, actually, we have a responsibility to keep them positive:  as a service to ourselves and the world.  What is right about your world today?  In my life, what is right, is I got to spend some time with an enchanting four month old yesterday, and we had beautiful blue sky, and I found the Kombucha beverage I like in stock and on sale at the store, and I got to practice a new skill I learned:  Body Talk (about which I will have a blog), and I got my hair cut in what I hope is an attractive style, and my body feels good after a great water aerobics session, and I had a lovely dinner of salad and chicken and watched NOVA - a program on public tv that I enjoy.  I spent time with some people I cherish most in this world.  A very good day indeed.  What is good about your day?

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