Apr 5, 2013


"We have choices, more choices than we let ourselves see.  We may feel trapped in our relationships, our jobs, our life. We may feel locked into behaviors such as caretaking or controlling.  Feeling trapped is a symptom of codependency." Hazelden

Considering my options is an important priority for me.  I have been told that I am so good at considering the options, that it is annoying.  Perhaps.  But, it is also a good skill to have.  We can become so locked into behaviors, beliefs, habits, cultural teachings -- that we can become blind to our options.  Making choices often upsets those around us, because the choices can be reflective of how we have changed; and change is frightening for many humans.  I just read a fascinating article, shared by a friend, how science has now proven that we have another brain besides the one in our cranium; and that one is in our belly.  It is not grey matter, but is a web of neurons lining the intestinal tract that perceives, thinks, learns, decides, acts and remembers -- completely independent from our cranial brain.  This author, Philip Shepherd, says that our tasks as humans is to connect the brain in our head with the brain in our gut, to be fully alive and responsive to life.  Shepherd says the way to get in touch with our brain in our belly is by our breath and by remaining in touch with that still point at the center of our being. 

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