Apr 22, 2013

Earth Day

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

-- Frank Lloyd Wright

We are in the midst of our third winter storm in three weeks.  Yes, really.   Every week in April, so far, we have had a winter storm.  School closures, interstate roads closed.  As I write this in early morning, the trees are laden with snow.  It is so beautiful and so serene.  Silence, except for my heating system.  Many people feel Nature provides them with an experience of God.  Nature, with its beauty and grandeur and power, can help us see how we fit in the scheme of things.  On this Earth Day, let us remember to take care of Nature, so that the generations which follow us can enjoy it as much as we do.  When I drive to see Dwane, I pass a bison ranch.  The new calves are being born right now.  Here is a celebration of Nature!


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