Apr 29, 2013


"I give freely of my time, my knowledge, my wisdom, my wealth, and my love." Ray Boland

Do we give freely?  The above is a suggested affirmation from Ray Boland.  It seems human nature is to clutch closely the above-named things.  We have all been with people who refuse to tell you a recipe or resource they used -- apparently fearing that their own specialness would be negated if someone else knew what they knew.  We are all familiar with the amusing Neiman Marcus's chocolate chip cookie recipe story -- that Neiman Marcus provided the recipe to a customer upon request, and then charged them $250.  The customer was so flummoxed that they then put the recipe out for anyone to have for free.  Some consider this was a publicity stunt by Neiman Marcus, but - if the story is true - it provides an example of someone who gave freely and someone who did not.  At a class the other night we were talking about scrimping and saving of money -- for the elusive "rainy day", but what rainy day, exactly, are we saving for?   It seems that we can come to a place in life where we do give more freely, and that giving freely can liberate our souls.   It also opens us up for receiving more abundantly. 

"I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver." Maya Angelou

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