We who are providing care for someone with dementia or any terminal illness are under some stress. It is critical that we take good care of ourselves and preserve our own health. One area to preserve is our own memory. According to Consumer Reports OnHealth there are 3 things we can do that can actually improve our memories: 1. Eat fruit and vegetables. 2. Engage in regular exercise 3. Reduce stress. The article goes on to say that stress, bad news, family arguments, unexpected work demands (and it could certainly add: caring for someone who is terminally ill) all cause stress, which causes memory lapses. Relaxation exercises (or meditation) for 20 minutes a day improve attention and responsiveness in just five weeks.
One thing that does not show evidence in improvi9ng memory, according to this research, is any supplement, such as ginkgo biloba or beta-carotene.
So, to the health of us all.
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