"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth," Buddha.
I love that saying, but it seems like we humans can hide from or keep hidden the truth. And what exactly is the truth? In studying conflict in drama, the antagonist sees him/herself as the protagonist. I think that happen in life too. Most often we see things from our own perspective and the rightness we believe we have in that perspective.
I have come to a point again where I feel overwhelmed with obligations. I will take a look at what seems unnecessary and unwanted and delete again. I did yesterday hear of two ideas for creating respite for myself from the daily caregiving. One person said they take her mother to an assisted living center for a few weeks periodically to give a break to caregiving. Another told me of a person who has hired caregivers coming in all day every day. So, there are more options than just assisted living or not. Time to review my options.
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