"There's no need to seek the truth --- just put a stop to your opinions." Seng-Ts'an
I do not know in what context the above quote comes, but it resonates with me nevertheless. I was raised in a family in which everyone had and expressed strong opinions -- as if they were the truth. That means, of course, that I am prone to do that too. I was recently with some extended family, and that is always such a gift -- it always gives me insight into my own behaviors and thought patterns. Opinions are based on prejudice; whereas, truth is based on love. Opinions mean we are attached to the way we see things. Truth allows us to see all sides of a situation. Opinions shut us down and fence us in. Truth gives us wings to fly and soar. Opinions are based in fear. Truth is based in love. The very familiar quote, and I do not remember its source, seems appropriate here -- Would you rather be right, or would you rather be loved? Opinions distance us from others. Truth erases the barriers and allows us to see one another. Truth comes with becoming more conscious, awake, aware, present to the moment. Truth is from Source, God, Higher Power. Let us orientate ourselves to love and truth.
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