"Your ancestors' diet contained healthier food than yours. As we have bred bigger and sweeter fruits and vegetables, we have unwittingly stripped away some of their key nutrients." Jo Robinson, author of Eating on the Wild Side
Dwane often complains of the food at the assisted living center, and I have provided him with a small refrigerator so that he can enjoy his own yogurt, fresh fruit, bagels and cream cheese that he enjoys. I make sure the refrigerator is well stocked with what he likes and what is healthy, partly because I believed him when he complained about the food there. I have eaten there numerous times, and the quality of the food does vary. But, it was interesting for me at a recent luncheon there to be at a table with some other residents who spoke glowingly of the food. One resident said he had lived in several assisted living centers, and this one was the best by far in all ways -- to include the food. It caused me to consider that it seems this complaining about the food is Dwane's orientation to being positive or negative, and not so much about the food. Of course, he would rather be at home. Most people would. But, that is no longer possible. So, I do the best I can to support him in having not only what is nutritious, but things I know he really enjoys. His sister sends him homemade cookies, which is also something he really enjoys. Life is not optimal for either of us at this point, but I strive to make it be the best I can for both of us -- given the circumstances and needs. That is all any of us can do.
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