Jun 28, 2013

What We Believe About Ourselves

One comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to one's self, whether the statement is true or false.--Napoleon Hill

This is so true.  If we believe we are and deserve to be healthy, or happy, or prosperous, or well liked --- it is so much more likely that we will be.  Studies in human behavior support this.  Our beliefs about ourselves (and others) do create the lives we lead.  It is so important to consider our thoughts -- whether they are about ourselves, others or our environments.  We do come to believe what the contents of our thoughts tell us.  A good way to check this is to just randomly check in and notice what the content of our thought is.  You may be surprised.  Research tells us that over 70% of human thought is negative or redundant.  Let us choose to put the marvelous efficiency of our human brains to better use.  Let us think thoughts of well being, gratitude and benevolence.  Our very health will be the better for it. 

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