Feb 9, 2014

Remembering the Good

"There seem to be strange quirks in the human mind.  It has the ability to remember so much that is not good, and to remember so little that is good." Ernest Holmes

How true.  Perhaps that is one reason for taking photos -- they help us remember a significant event that is good.  It does seem the human brain is hard-wired to notice and remember the negative or what was to be feared , and psychologists have suggested that this was necessary for our species to have survived.   But, we no longer have to worry about being eaten by saber tooth tigers, so perhaps it is time to put aside that orientation and to focus, instead, on what is good in one's life.  It is bitterly cold here today; and, yet, the weather here is not as bad as in some places.  For those of us reading this blog, we probably had enough to eat today, and we probably have shelter.  Most people who are attracted to this blog also have people with whom to share their lives.  Granted, if one is a caregiver, our life situation might not be what we envisioned; but there is still goodness to notice and appreciate.  I appreciate the people who provide care with kindness to those who need it.  I appreciate that the care of those people allows me to have freedom to live my own life.  All in all, life is very good.    

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