Apr 2, 2014

Seeing Anew

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
Marcel Proust

So, how do we see anew?  We look at situations from several perspectives.  A wise therapist told me once that in order to have sound mental health, we needed to always consider at least 3 options when making a decision.  This gets us out of the either/or dilemma.  Seeing anew also means expanding our own consciousness to more and more compassion.  We can see anew by considering what things look like from other perspectives.  We cannot know what it is like to live in someone else's skin, but we can consider what it might be like to be in their situation.  Seeing anew also means giving up belief systems that no longer, and maybe never did, serve us.  We download belief systems when we are very young, and often times these belief systems do not serve us.  We can become conscious of them, and choose to let them go.  We can see new possibilities for ourselves and others.

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