Jan 24, 2016

Being Present In Our Body

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"As long as you do not live totally in the body, you do not live totally in the Self." B.K.S. Iyankar

We all know people who have ailments.  In fact, having ailments seems to be part of the human condition, but I think we would have less ailments if we were more fully present in our bodies.  As a young woman I knew when I was ovulating because I could feel it.  Perhaps that was physically unique to me, or perhaps at that time I was present in my body.  Appetite, need for rest - all are within our ability to feel and honor.  First, I think we must be centered and calm, and second, we listen - with honor - to what our body wants us to know.  This body is the only vehicle we have for this lifetime -- let us treat it with great honor and collaboration.  What can I do today to listen more to the wisdom of my body?

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