May 27, 2015

Healthy Aging

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"To make it to 100:  plenty of community, exercise, beans." Dan Buettner

Research done in the Italian island of Sardinia, where there are 21 centenarians in a population of 10,000, tells us some things.  Only 4 in 10,000 Americans live that long, in spite of being so diet and exercise focused.  A decade ago scientists thought genes accounted for the extraordinary longevity of Sardinians, but those findings are now questioned, as DNA markers for cancer, etc appear equally there as elsewhere.  More than 65% of diet in areas of longevity come from complex carbohydrates:  sweet potatoes, wild greens, squash, and beans.  Most beans deliver more protein than beef, dollar to dollar, and they have high fiber content.  But, diet alone is not enough, there also needs to be a web of social interaction.  In Sardinia, multi-generations make sourdough bread together.  Unlike most breads, this bread lowers glycemic loads.  But, the content of the bread is just part of it.  The dough had to be kneaded for 45 minutes, wood had to be chopped and the oven stoked.  Social interaction, meaningful exercise and complex carbohydrates for food appear to be the ingredients for long life.  Although the research does not mention this, perhaps remaining a vital part of one's family is also a factor.  

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