May 22, 2015

Releasing Perfectionism

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"As my false beliefs dissolve away and thoughts of truth replace them, the conditions of my life change to reflect that." Rev. Patti Paris

We are hearing more and more of this nowadays.  That content of our thoughts create our lives, and much of our thought is controlled by beliefs which are unconscious to us.  When I am around my siblings, I get a chance to see what beliefs I might have absorbed from my parents, who absorbed them from their parents and society.  Recently a sibling said of herself when she made a mistake, "how could I be so stupid?"  It gave me a chance to tell her she is never stupid, that part of being human is to make mistakes -- but most importantly, it helped me see that we were raised having unrealistic expectations of being perfect.  This is not to fault my parents, because they were raised that way too.  But it is time to stop the habit.  Perfectionism is bad for our self esteem and needs to be abandoned.  Besides that -- it's impossible.

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