Oct 11, 2009

Buddha's teaching

The Buddha taught three guidelines by which to live our lives. He said to cultivate virtue, do no harm, and tame your mind. What good guidance. I think that is one reason it is good for a person to have an intention for personal spiritual growth and development. The ego is so prevailing, and some say cunning, that unless one develops one's own self, it is not always easy to know if one is doing harm or not. I have noticed that people can with great fervor stand up for or against something and they are convinced they are right. But are they doing no harm? When one is in a challenging situation, the only thing they have to fall back upon is the development of their own virtue, or worded in a different way, the personal/spiritual development they have cultivated. I find a stance that helps me is to always want what is best for everyone involved. With that approach, it is easier for what I want to be what is also good for all involved.

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