Oct 26, 2009


Many religions and cultures have set aside a sabbath day, a day of rest. In times past that was the only day the hard-working men, women and children had to recreate. But in more recent times, a day of rest seems to have less importance. I read an interesting theory about what is important about a day of rest. It is not only a day set aside to worship and to rest, but it can be a day to enjoy adequate rest and leisure to cultivate one's familial, cultural, social and religious lives. It can be thought of as a time to consider that there are other people who matter besides ourselves.

So, yesterday, a day this culture has set aside for rest from traditional work, was a time of lovely meals, a movie enjoyed with spouse, reading a good novel, and some snow shoveling for exercise and fresh air (and to clear the path). A day well spent.

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