Apr 30, 2011


"All good things come to an end." familiar quote.

Today we are moving back up to the high country. It has been stressful getting everything done to move. In addition to everything one must do to move, Dwane has had a significant toe infection that has taken trips to the doctor and pharmacy, but the good news of that is the doctor fit him with a device that prevents his toe from hitting the ground so hard. I am so grateful for this lovely home where we have taken respite from the heavy snowfalls. Still, it will be good to be "home" to the peace, beauty and solitude of the high country.


  1. Ahhh, there's no place like home!

    I do think of you and your seasonal moves. I wonder about next year and those afterward as Dwane's disease progresses.
    I hope you have a plan B.

    Welcome Home :)

  2. Kathy, thank you so much for your good thoughts and ideas. Ironically, the seasonal move we have done for the past two years has been removed from us (won't work for the other party). So, perhaps it is God knowing that we couldn't do it anyway. ??? It is too difficult to stay here over the winter, so I am searching for options. On the positive note, Dwane is doing better since we arrived back "home". I know that is not untypical for someone with dementia, but the degree of "better" surprises me. Best to you, too, Kathy as spring unfolds into summer.
