"Middle-aged women and men who exercise five to six times a week (brisk walking is okay) are far less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment later in life," Good Housekeeping October 2010.
I have had the discipline for some years of wearing a pedometer to enable me to get the 10,000 daily steps that various health sources advocate we get. For a few months I have not worn one because I did not like the last one I bought. Recently I bought a new one which I love: Omron model HJ-150. What do I love about it? It is simple to use (do not have to measure stride, etc; it just keeps track of steps), easy to wear, and supports my health. (I bought mine at a large drugstore chain.)
Perhaps you are wondering what a new pedometer has to do with being a dementia caregiver. There are several applications: The pedometer helps me to know that I am doing what I intend to do, just as having an intention of living graciously with dementia helps me do the caregiving task with the intention I want. This pedometer is simple and easy to use; just as I want simple and easy systems of support in being a dementia caregiver. Without the pedometer I was not having as much body activity as I intend to have. Without having a conscious intention of how we want to be within the caregiver role, it is easy to get lost in the tasks and lose sight of how we want to "be".
What systems do you have that enable you to provide dementia caregiving in the way you want?
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