Oct 16, 2014

Time To Get Your Flu Shot

  1. "This year's annual flu shot will offer protection against H1N1 flu (swine flu) virus, in addition to two other influenza viruses that are expected to be in circulation this flu season. A vaccine that protects against four strains of the virus will also be available, as will a high-dose flu vaccine for adults age 65 and older." Mayo Clinic
Although getting a flu shot is not a guarantee against getting the flu, according to the CDC and other sources, it is the best option we have.  I just got my flu shot, not just to protect myself, but to protect my loved one who now is more vulnerable and to protect the others I am around.  I happened to choose to get mine at a grocery store, which gave me a 10% coupon off any one total grocery purchase done before January 2015.  My arm was sore this time for a couple days -- a small price to pay for protection.  

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