Nov 1, 2014

How to Avoid Getting Sick

  1. "Some research suggests that taking a preventive zinc supplement can protect you from coming down with a cold.  If you do get sick, one or two zinc lozenges at the first sign could shorten the length of your suffering. But don't over do it:  taking too much can cause permanent loss of smell in some people." Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC

    Other tips for staying well include regular house cleaning with products that have flu-fighting properties (Clorox, Pine-Sol, Mr. Clean are 3 of the 500 listed at  Making sure you do not drink more than 1 or 2 (2 for men and 1 for women) alcoholic drinks per day, as more than that suppresses the swallowing reflex, which can result in germs from your mouth entering your airway.  If you do get sick, humming helps loosen mucus that accumulates in airways.  Ask for an antiviral if your symptoms are serious.  

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