Nov 7, 2014

Making Way For Good"

  1. "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." Marilyn Monroe

    This is a good thing to remember when things seem to be falling apart in our lives -- it is not a guarantee, but it does seem that sometimes things change in order to make room for even better circumstances.  As caregivers, things change for us dramatically.  The spouse that was once a spouse is not any longer, or the parent who was a parent is not any longer.  When we lose the qualities that made the person who he or she was, that is a tremendous loss; and it is very hard to think something better could come out of this.  But, actually, I catch glimpses of that.  My once resistant, combative spouse (I am sure now that those reactions were out of fear from the changes he was experiencing and expecting.) is now sweet, congenial.  He tires easily.  He is no longer interested in the news, so we talk, instead, about whatever is the content of his hallucinations. He still enjoys the treats others send or I bring.  Changes and yet consistency.

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