Jan 10, 2015

Honoring Our Life

"Realize that thou art that - Brahm --which is the cessation of all differentiation, which never changes its nature and is as unmoved as a waveless ocean, eternally unconditioned and undivided."
Raja Yoga

What if that is true?  What if we are each part of Brahm or the Source or the Divine?  What if that is true?  Then, perhaps there would be less hatred, less righteousness, less entitlement.  Perhaps we would see that the person, for whom we provide care, is really part of ourselves?  This is not just a spiritual consideration, but some in psychology also support the idea that we are all one.  Every aspect of every person is part of who each of us is.  With the tragedy that has just happened in Paris, perhaps it is time to consider this suggestion seriously. 

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