Feb 2, 2012

Finding peace

"We could never have guessed we were already blessed where we are . . ." James Taylor.

Do you ever wonder what this caregiving is all about for you?  If it serves a higher purpose?  Someone said to me that wanting to find purpose in life was all about ego, but I don't think that is true.  I seem to need to believe that what I am doing has some purpose.  Myths have themes where a person is interrupted in his or her journey and undergoes some delays and struggles.  Sometimes that seems to me what this caregiving is:  a delay in the journey of my life.  So much is put aside, while we provide care.  Is it, like in the myths, a time for forging our souls and developing our strengths?  I hope so.  Perhaps we are very blessed where we are.  Who would have guessed?

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