"Try not letting anyone who does not come in peace into the territory of your true being." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Such good advice. Sometimes people may wonder why a person chooses to not be around them any more, and it is important to not willfully hurt someone, but . . . . . . more important is being true to yourself. I find there are just some people it is not good for me to be around. They are not bad people; they just affect my peace adversely. I have always loved the line in Desiderata: "Avoid loud and aggressive persons. They are vexations to the spirit." I agree. And, part of self care in this role as caregiver for someone with dementia, is to allow within our space only those people who bring us peace. Because, if they bring us peace, of course, they also bring themselves peace. Those are the people to have among our support system, and this is the type of person to be ourselves. Peace makers. That does not mean we are weak or that we cannot stand up for something we believe in; what it does mean is that being at peace is the natural state for us.
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