Aug 4, 2012

Too Busy Doing

"Bob had slipped from being a "being" into a "doing."  When we lose the sense of beingness, the heart beats with less vitality."  Bob Luckin

A dear reader commented that it seems I am busier doing things now for Dwane than before he moved into assisted living.  Some days it seems that way myself.  I keep thinking the appointments will slow down, but maybe they won't --- if his physical complaints do not abate.  It is interesting to me that he has so many physical complaints, but is unaware of his cognitive declines.  It is as if he is over responsive to physical symptoms versus cognitive ones.  Or, perhaps he brings up physical needs as a way to get the attention he wants.  Behavior does serve a purpose, even for someone with dementia.  The purpose may just not be obvious, but behavior does serve a purpose.  As caregivers, I think we need to be careful we are not reinforcing behavior that is not good for them or for us.  For me, I am going to think about all of the physical symptoms he wants addressed.  Is it necessary for his well being?

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