Jan 22, 2013

Remembering Who We Are

"What can I do to always remember who I really am?" Juan Ramon Jiminez

There are those who think our whole human adventure is about remembering who we are - really who we are.  If we devote ourselves to a role, it can be hard to remember who we really are.  That has been true of me in parenting.  It can also be true of oneself in being a spouse or in being a caregiver.  Who are you besides caregiver?  It can be helpful to consider this question.  If all of our roles were stripped away, who would we be?  Considering the question can be scary.  Mark Nepo suggests that maybe what Adam and Eve lost when they were kicked out of Eden was their ability to remember what is sacred.  What is sacred about your life?  About you?  Even for those who are not religious, it is not a waste of time to consider why we are here.  Personally and specifically.  Why are you here at this place and in this time?  What difference would it make to the world if you were not here?  Considering these questions is one way to remember who we are:  sons and daughters of the Divine with a unique purpose for being here.  Now:  what is your unique purpose? 

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