Dec 27, 2014

Abuse in Nursing Homes

  1. "There are several different kinds of abuse that may affect older adults. This abuse can take place at care facilities such as nursing homes and assisted livings, as well as in the person’s own home. Being aware of these possibilities can, in some cases, prevent you or your loved ones from experiencing them."

    I have noticed in the last couple weeks bruises on my loved one's hands, and I have asked numerous staff about these bruises.  Last night I had a phone call from an employee of the nursing home, and he has reported to his boss and to the state that he thinks elder abuse has taken place.  God bless him!  Elder abuse is a reality of which we as caregivers need to be aware.  In this case, as I explained to the administrator of the facility, I think my loved one is experiencing visual hallucinations which make him think he is in danger -- while staff can think he is being difficult.  I will get to the bottom of this, and - as I said to the administrator -- I want assurances of training and procedures which prevent it ever happening again.  The sobering thing is that this is one of the best nursing homes in this half of our state.  

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