Nov 15, 2013

Creating Routines

"Creating routines can set you free."  Maria Mihalik

A person may think that habits or routines are confining, but in many ways they can set us free.  When we do something enough times (some psychologists say daily for 30 days), it becomes habit:  something we can do without thinking.  Take brushing our teeth or driving.  We do not have to think how to brush each tooth and in what direction or how to navigate that left-hand turn; we have done these things so many times they are automatic to us.  That is good news, so is the fact that we can make any new behavior a habit.  If we want to worry less, we can train our minds to dwell on the positive aspects of our lives.  If we want to eat better, we can practice buying and eating food that is good for us.  Research says that doing something regularly for about 30 days makes it an automatic behavior for us.  What new behavior can you bring into your life as routine, as a habit?

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