Nov 12, 2013


falling leaves
hide the path
so quietly
~John Bailey, "Autumn,"  a haiku

Leaves are falling, and snow is falling here.  What is happening where you live?  I live in an area which has a variation of warmth and then cold; not like the areas where winter sets in and stays relentlessly.  Where I live we have Chinooks, warm winds, which can bring in degrees of 60 or more Fahrenheit.  That gives us lovely respite from the cold, but it also provides a lot of icy surfaces underneath one's foot.  Still, fall is one of my favorite seasons.  It seems a time for introspection, a going within, a time to 'harvest' the work already done in the interior world.  I love the fall colors, the crisp blue sky, the nip in the air.  What do you like about fall? 

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