Nov 7, 2013

Open Enrollment

"The deadline to choose your 2014 Medicare insurance coverage is December 7, 2013."

It is time once again to go online to check on the price of prescription drug plans.  Every fall I go to the government website (listed above) and check for both the care receiver and myself to see if changing prescription drug insurance plans would save us time and money.  For the first time, I am opting to stay with the plans we have.  There would be a slight savings in money to switch, but that would be offset by changing to pharmacies that are less convenient.  It did not take long to check.  You just go to the official Medicare website ( and follow the links for Open Enrollment.  I have created a list of current prescriptions in previous years, so those are saved and that saves time each subsequent year.  The website then brings up comparison costs for different insurance plans in your area for the prescriptions you have listed.  Very neat.  It is nice to have one more thing taken care of. 

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