Apr 4, 2012


"Three stages of healing trauma: a 3-CD set by" Belleruth Naparstek

A mental health professional recently told me that being caregiver for a spouse with dementia is more stressful than either divorce or death of a spouse.  That would seem to be true, as it is a series of deaths:  death of what the relationship was, death of hopes and dreams, death of physical and cognitive capacities, death of our own and his/her independence -- to name a few.  The trauma and grief can be very damaging, so how can we heal as we continue to experience the grieving of the daily 'deaths'?  The CD set named above, purchased at http://www.healthjourneys.com/, lent me by a friend is one good tool.  It leads us through guided imagery to help us release grieve, feel safe, and return to serenity.  It is not a substitute for professional counseling, but it is a good tool that we can use right in our homes.

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