Apr 14, 2012


"When we resolve to realize our own wisdom first, we can easily and naturally see it in others." Jim Lockard

Is it possible that we can see the wisdom in others only when we are first willing to see it in ourselves?  I think it must be the same as love:  we can only truly love others if we are able to love ourselves. Dr. Lockard states that "we have an inexhaustible supply of wisdom to use in creating our life experiences."  Most, if not all, of us have been encouraged by our society to see the mistakes of ourselves and others.  What if we would resolve, instead, to see the wisdom of ourselves and others?  What if it is just a matter of perspective; that we resolve to look for the positive rather than the negative?  The American Heritage Dictionary defines wisdom as "understanding what is true, right or lasting.  Common sense, sagacity, good judgment."  I would like to ask each of us to look for, within the happenings of today, examples of our own wisdom.

"It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things." Thoreau

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