Apr 12, 2012

Others' Opinions

"The whole world could praise Sung Jung-Tzu and it wouldn't make him exert himself.  The whole world could condemn him and it wouldn't make him mope.  He drew a clear line between the internal and the external." Chuang Tzu

What an advanced practice - to be unaffected by others' opinions.  But, I think there is a balance here.  In Alanon there is the teaching to take the kernel of truth in what others say to us, and it is a practice I have long held.  Often, especially in criticism, there is a kernel of truth that is in our spiritual interest to hear.  We need to hear that truth, and let the rest -- the parts that are not true for us, fall away.  It is such an important quality:  to be true to ourselves above all else, that it comes down to us in many forms in literature.  A favorite quote from Shakespeare, "To thine own self be true." captures the essence of this.  As long as one is not mired in ego, as long as one has the intention of making decisions that are for the highest and best good for all concerned, then one can best live in being true to oneself.

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