May 9, 2011

Fear and action

"Always do what you are afraid to do," Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Some say there are really only two basic emotions: fear and love. If that is true, then as dementia caregivers we may want to be sure that our emotions and actions are based in love, and not fear. Goodness knows there is much that could be feared in this journey with someone with dementia: declining health, mobility, functioning, etc., etc. But, I believe it does us no good to reside in a place of fear. Let us make a practice of checking to see if we are residing in love, and let us see what a difference that makes in our daily lives.

1 comment:

  1. Visiting Nurse Service of New York blogger Debbie Stricoff wrote a great piece "Tips for Eating Out with Loved Ones with Dementia" which you can read at
