"What is the kindest, most loving thing I can say or do right now?" Linda McNamar.
Wouldn't the world be a different place if an intention for kindness was the place from which all people decided and acted? But, too many times, instead of kindness, what people are thinking and acting from is: "What about me?" It is difficult to keep ego: the: What about me?, aspect out of our thoughts, actions, and intentions. But, when we do: what a beautiful world.
We just returned from a train ride through Glacier National Park. What a delight. It was easier to accomplish than airplane travel nowadays. All I had to do was get him on board, and there was not a time crunch for that, and then get him situation and both enjoy the beauty of one of the most scenic places on earth. A lovely way to spend a long weekend. And a break for both of us.
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