May 18, 2011


"Life is always flowing, always changing and there is no security other than cultivating our sense of Oneness with God." Dr. Joan Borysenko.

Life is always changing when dealing with life with Lewy Bodies Dementia.  In talking with a dear friend and supporter, I realize that in most circumstances in my life I have always been working toward improved conditions and a more fully experienced independence.  For instance, as the parent of small children the structure we surround them with lessens as they develop interior autonomy.  But, it is exactly the opposite when providing caregiving for someone with dementia.  We are in partnership with the person with dementia in dismantling their life, in their regressing in independence and autonomy.  New ground for most of us, and it seems contrary to the natural course of events.  More and more, what Dr. Borysenko says is true for me.  There is no security in my life -- other than my relationship with God as I know him/her. 

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