May 24, 2011


"To consider just one option is paralyzing; to consider between two options is a dilemma; to consider among three or more options is freedom," Virginia Satir.

Sometimes, in the role of dementia caregiver, it is difficult to see three or more options; but practicing that is critical for one's mental health.  We have opportunities to practice this daily, even in little things.  An example:  I need to go get his medication refills, and he wants to go along, but he is not ready to go when I want to leave.  There are probably numerous options, but some obvious ones are:  insist we go now (which always brings out the worst in him), do something else in the time I am waiting (like writing this blog), put off going until later or tomorrow, help him get ready to go (I have an intention of encouraging his independence in those areas in which it is possible.).  You can see the process.  For any given situation, it is very important to think of and consider at least three options.  It is necessary for our freedom -- and for our mental health.  

1 comment:

  1. This may be an option about medication,

    Have you checked into a drugstore that delivers meds through the mail?
    Hubby gets his from the Veterans Association so I can order refills on line and they just mail them to us. Having them delivered makes it easier for me.
    Just a thought
